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Man's ability to triumph in the face of adversity is synonymous with the trials that have birth perseverance, endurance, and determination to overcome any obstacles that life throws his way. David was such a man—a man after God’s heart. God so loved David that He anointed him not only as a worshipper but as a great warrior as well. In the midst of the darkest days, David always knew he could find peace and safety in the bosom of his God through worship. Despite the mistakes he made and the hardships he endured in his life, David's gift and tenacious faith brought him before great men and caused him to triumph in victory.

In the darkest hour God’s light overcomes adversity and miracles are birthed for His glory. May 14, 1983 was such a day—Jonathan Shaw was born and pronounced clinically dead by doctors in a Florida Hospital. Coming from a Christian home with Pastors as parents and three brothers—all of which were gifted athletes, singers and musicians—accepting this news as their reality was not an option for his family. They knew that the God they serve would not allow this to happen and so they united their faith in Him and prayed for a miracle. After 30 minutes without a heartbeat, God breathed life and purpose into Jonathan's body. In this moment and time God sealed and destined his heart to live for a greater purpose.

At the age of five, he accepted Jesus into his heart and was baptized later that year under his own convictions at a Benny Hinn service. Growing up, Jonathan was always a stand out in his school and church choir. He also followed in the footsteps of his older brother's athletic achievements with his city and school leagues. He was eventually heralded as an All-State high school athlete in Florida before earning a full athletic scholarship to play football at William and Mary University.

Jonathan's faith and relationship with God would be tested as he moved away from family to Virginia. Soon after arriving at the university, Jonathan began to slowly turn away from God and lose sight of the convictions he once held dear to his heart. The enemy tried his best to get him to abort the purpose he was destined for since birth—but much like David, God quickly got his attention because of what was at stake.

It was a stormy day in October of 2002, when Jonathan's life flashed before his eyes. He was severely injured in a football collision against Hofstra University. An ambulance rushed him to the hospital with massive internal bleeding from the most severe kidney laceration case possible according to CAT scan records. Jonathan also suffered a punctured liver. The doctors sought to remove the damaged kidney immediately, but could not receive the consent from Jonathan's father and mother who were in attendance at a Benny Hinn crusade. 
Miraculously, the doctors were able to manage the internal bleeding until his parent's arrived at the hospital. Upon arrival, they were informed of Jonathan's near death experience and the necessity to proceed with an immediate surgery. Just like in 1983, they began to believe and pray by faith that God would perform yet another miracle in Jonathan’s life. God directed them to decline the doctor's recommendation to remove the kidney. The bewildered doctors continued running the necessary tests and within days were astonished to witness God's healing power. Jonathan was released from the intensive care unit soon after with a clean bill of health and a completely healed kidney and liver without having to undergo any surgical procedures.

After serving as a worship leader for one of the nation's fastest growing ministries in Miami, Jonathan felt the call of God to move to Nashville, Tennessee after receiving a prophetic word to do so. He was signed to a publishing deal with Capitol Christian Music Group soon after and is now making preparations to record his first album and begin traveling to spread his faith message across the globe. He's had the privilege to sing and/or collaborate with world-renown producers and artists such as Rodney Jerkins a.k.a "DarkChild", Jordan Feliz, Joy Enriquez (Hosanna - The Greatest Hero), Byron "Talkbox" Chambers (Goodbye to Gravity), Bryan Popin (We Overcome & You're Gonna Live Again), Leah Condren (Made for More), Chris McClarney (Jesus Culture), Keith Thomas, Aaron Lindsey (Arise), Marvin Winans Jr., Dominique Jones (Forever Jones), Bishop Joseph Garlington, Adam Ranney, Rick Robinson, Myron Butler, Anita Wilson, Tim Bowman, Mary Alessi, Martha Munizzi, David & Nicole Binion, Ingrid Rosario, Clint Brown, Khristian Dentley, Ron Kenoly, The Kenoly Brothers, Pablo Villatoro, Tina Crawley, LaRue Howard and Michael Gungor.

Beyond all of the wonderful accomplishments and experiences in Jonathan's life, his greatest treasure and joy comes from being a husband to his beautiful wife Valentina and fathering his two sons Alexander and David. Jonathan's long-awaited EP project was birthed in the eye of his life's greatest storm. The turmoil of a broken marriage is one that would destroy many, but for Jonathan, it only fueled his desperation for more intimacy with God. Through Jonathan's faithfulness and steadfast trust in God's power, he and his wife were reunited in marriage after 4 years of divorce! His revelation of God's unconditional love and grace produced a greater anointing and compassion for the lost and broken. He has a passion to help others find true healing and strength to overcome through a surrendered lifestyle of worship to a God whose greater than any circumstance of life. 
Jonathan has been chosen by God to sing and write songs for a generation longing for a genuine relationship with their Creator.

"One moment of worship can change everything and accomplish more than a lifetime of striving. Everything one could ever need from God is accessed when an atmosphere of gratitude is created through worship and worry is relinquished." You will be blessed and experience God's divine presence as Jonathan leads you into worship!